Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Day 6-7 with the ring

I've spent the last 24 hours pretty much free of any kind of spotting, even when I pleasured sandy last night (no fucking mind you just hands) during the point i was hardest i had only a drop or two. Nothing during nighttime wood. Nothing today at work. I'm hanging loose and enjoying the feeling!

Sorry for those grossed out by discussions of blood or piercing but there is precious little out there on the pa-5000, and what I've read about the pa piercing itself suggests that most men don't bleed much but some do. Sadly none that did wrote about it so I was left wondering how much is normal. I was the drippier end of the scale so decided to add my experience to the table for others who are interested.

Anyway I can now get hard and hang free. Tomorrow I will try my 20 mile cycle commute again.

Incidentally I've been without an orgasm for over a week now and damn it's driving me crazy again.



mikecb said...

For the record, I bled buckets with I had my PA done (both times). It was literally dripping... drip.. drip.. drip for over 24 hours. Fortunately, the first time I didn't have anything scheduled for the next day. I tried to lay still on the couch. The second time, I planned a day off work. I had to wear dressings wrapped in a latex glove for 2 days, and then dressings wrapped in a condom for another day or two before I finally stopped bleeding.

Welcome to the "bleeders club" lol


pantyworship said...

So,um, what about peeing? I admit the potential loss of the ability to stand is my biggest concern with my impending PA.

MyKey said...

Hi Mike

Heheh, welcome indeed! After a full 24 hours free of it I had a little gusher on the way home today. Oops. I thought I had been pushing my luck walking around commando!

I know what you mean, for some periods it was like a drip every second or two, and the slightest thing could set it off. I really dont think I should have cycled home that first evening!

By the way the latex glove trick is fantastic! I only read it about day 3 but wish i had known sooner.

MyKey said...

Hi Pantyworship

Um yes, peeing, thanks for the good question. See my next post and I will try and explain.


thumper said...

I did the latex glove thing, but fortunately my bleeding stopped pretty quickly. I don't think I was bleeding at all after the second day.

thumper said...

I did the latex glove thing, but fortunately my bleeding stopped pretty quickly. I don't think I was bleeding at all after the second day.

mikecb said...

Lol, the latex glove was both funny and disgusting the first night. The fingers filled like udders on a cow. I had 4 fingers full of blood the first time I went to pee. It was pretty horrifying!

The first night, some 8 hours later, I was panicking due to the blood. Fortunately the bleeding slowed down within the next few hours or I may have gone to the emergency room! lol.

The second time around I knew what to expect, thankfully, and didn't panic as much.