Friday, 15 May 2009

Coming out unexpectedly.

Yesterday I was listening to a kink related podcast on the tube, Masocast. Very interesting, sometimes gets a little too cerebral for my liking, but a very interesting mix of people and ideas.

Anyway I got in to work having paused the sound. Sat down, unplugged my headphones, which triggered the podcast to start playing again, only this time through the internal speaker of my handheld. Loud.

Never seen someone reach for a volume control so fast! Luckily it was on one of the few innocent bits. Phew!



Mistress and nakeysub said...

ROTFLMAO!!!! That's funny!

bdenied said...

I thought you had quit posting. I had your posts linked but they stopped showing up. I will have to check on why that happened...glad to have caught up with the blog

MyKey said...

Almost wasnt :)

Hi again BD. I did go underground for a while. Lots on at work! Glad you are still around reading.