Monday, 18 January 2010

A fun weekend, no an evil one

Saturday night we had a little play. Sandy had come three times the night before, after two weeks without sex they were strong orgasms! So Saturday she didn't feel the need, but he did feel like playing with me. I was feeling subby, and after two weeks without sex with her in need of fun and intimacy.

She teased the hell out of me. She used a tawse on my ass for almost an hour. She alternated that with a bit of teasing and a lot of tickling. At one point she had my head trapped between her legs, panties and crotch thrust against my mouth and legs pulling my head in to stop me breathing. She then spanked my ass hard, letting her leg relax now and then for a much needed breath. One breath only usually, a deep gasp before her thigh tightened and my world was again hot pussy, oxygen deprivation and a fiery pain on my butt. Heaven, at least for a fool like me.

Another point she had a tight hold of my balls which she had pulled away from me. It hurt a bit. Then she would tickle me hard between my legs (I was very ticklish by this point). What happens next, can you guess? Yes evil isn't it. Pull away from the tickling and your balls get yanked hard till they ache badly, till you can't stand it. Yet the tickling continues as you can't pull away far enough. Tickle, instinctive reaction, ball ache, more tickling. Serve up with a dash of amused and dark laughter and delight from an innocent looking blond.

Yup, heaven.

When she let me cum, a last minute decision, I felt like my insides exploded.


Milliscent said...

It sounds like a most perfect evening!


NoOne said...

Lol lovely image!

bdenied said...

Milliscent could not have said it better.....I know I certainly can not say it better

Joanna Lark said...

Wow - very useful tips! Can't wait to try them out...