Thursday, 10 July 2014

Ropey bondage and a columbian band

Connection? Only that they happen on the same night.

Ive spent the night in a rope dojo practicing and being practiced on. Rope skills are coming on, which is to say the arent totally rubbish anymore. But one hour there shows me how much I have yet to learn! I do however have a good friend and deliciously responsive rope bunny.

As if that was not cool enough, on arriving home late at night I hear loud and very cool music from the building opposite. Turns out there is a live columbian band playing, and I was invited to join them. So  there I was till after midnight with a beer, cigarette (indoors natch!) and the coolest music playing. This is the seedy underbelly of life, just how I love it!

1 comment:

Petal said...

Nice! Great to hear that all is well in your kinky wee world...and what changes there sounds like there has been :)